You can pay your balance with cash at OXXO, through a bank transfer with CLABE, from the BBVA app or at a BBVA Practicaja.
You can check your balance and the references of the different payment methods from your Kueski profile. Once your request has been approved, we will also send you the information by email.
If you have more than one active purchase, there are 2 ways to make your payments:
1. With your unique reference number. If you use this method, you will be crediting your total account balance (the sum of all your purchases) and we will adjust your deposit so that you pay the least amount of interest possible.
2. With the individual reference number. If you use this other method, what you will be doing is crediting money to a specific purchase and not to the sum of all your purchases.
All this can be consulted directly in your profile, and you can follow the steps there to make your payment more convenient for you.
Keep in mind that there are no fees or penalties for early payments and if you do, you will pay less interest!